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Rainbow Road

Miracle is not necessary to be something that defies logic. In my understanding, any amazing work of God can also be considered as miracle. Including amazingly planned out perfect "coincidence". This is part 2 of my "Dream Comes True" prayer request.

My Desire

Ever since 1997, after I have believed in Jesus and learned about Heaven and Hell, one of my deepest concern, one that makes me worry for decades... is the fate of my loved ones. More then half of them have not believed in Jesus... will they suffer in hell for eternity? I was worried... Around the time 2010 - 2012, I started praying for them. I prayed to God days and nights, asking God that no matter what, please include all my loved ones in your book of life. This Prayer of Desire is always, and is at all time co-exists with my Prayer of Hope.

During my Prayer of Hope incident (refer to Miracle: Dream Comes Ture), I prayed for a castle as a sign. A sign confirming that God has promised me my own personal "Disney World" in Heaven. I am happy, but my joy was yet to be 100% fulfill. What good is my kingdom, if it is without my loved ones being there and share with me?

Still Another Half

Some time around 2017 or 2018, one day I was shopping at a Chapters book store. They seem to have a new item to promo. Mountains and mountains of Rainbow Makers consuming a considerable amount of space in their boutique area. This item has caught my attention. First of all, I do like rainbow. I think they are beautiful. Secondly, look at my website banner, it is actually a road of rainbow leading to the Holy City. God has already promised me about my kingdom, now what about my loved ones? I deeply wish they'll be there... every single one of them.

My Prayer of Desire

Remembering how my Prayer of Hope was answered, I have made my move. Onces again I've prayed. But this time, it was for the ones I deeply loved. In Chapters, I prayed, "God, you have granted me my wish of the kingdom. I beg you once again please listen. Grant me the lives of my loved ones also. Every single one of them (in actual prayer I did call out by names). With them, I'll be like walking on a road of rainbow; without them, my heart will forever be cold. Oh God, you know me. You know how they are to me just as how we are to thee. If you are to grant me their lives, to have them living in my kingdom of heaven, please let this Rainbow Maker as a sign as a gift to me. Let this Rainbow Maker be my joy-fulfilling rainbow road." (It's been so long I really couldn't remember my exact wording... but regardless, this is basically the content of the prayer).

A Suprising Gift

March 2019. One of my co-worker traveled to the other side of Earth and brought me a gift. According to her, she walked days after days, still unable to select for me a meaningful souvenier. Right before she gets onto her returning flight, in the airport, one item caught her attention. She bought it for me and said, "After days and days of searching, I finally found you a special gift!"

Once I got my souvenier, I opened it a little, took a peek, and was stunned. She thought I could never guess what it is, and prompted me to open it fully to see if I like it. But from that one peek, I immediately know what it is. Out of different brand names, out of different models, out of different packagings, what I received, is a Rainbow Maker. One that is the exact same brand, exact same model, and exact same packaging to the one I saw at Chapters. It is THE Rainbow Maker, and this is from the other side of Earth.

Peace and Joy for Eternity

In my prayer, I still pray about my kingdom and my loved ones. No longer to asked God to grant me my wishes, but to thank God about how He has given me everything I've ever wanted. The two prayers, the hope and desire that have concerned me a decade. From this day forward, I am finally ready to see God... from this day forward, I can finally be 100% joyful and peace, forever and ever after.


16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
16:24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.